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瘋狂天使天堂II-林德拜爾 (開服四年,穩定,不洗白)

本帖最後由 smith0968 於 2013-9-6 23:28 編輯


伺服器名稱 : CrazyAngel
伺服器地區 : Taiwan / Hsinchu
伺服器網域 : crazyangel.servegame.com ( 如有使用過其它登入器,將網域改成此行,即可不用下載登入器 )
登入器埠口 : 2106
伺服器埠口 : 7777
伺服器主頁 : http://crazyangel.servegame.com
伺服器網站 : http://crazyangel.servegame.com/website/index.php ( 玩家請先到這裡註冊遊戲帳號 )
伺服器論壇 : http://crazyangel.servegame.com/phpBB3/index.php
伺服器線路 : HiNet Very-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line 100/20 Mega-Byte
數據機型號 : FTE6075-CAN
伺服器系統 : Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64-Bit

伺服器 QR code :
僅需使用iPhone、iPad、手機、平板電腦內有支援QR Scan,即可開啟

遊戲介紹與說明 :
- 請使用 林德拜爾 主程式進入遊戲
- 主城座落位於夢幻島
- 可以在夢幻島體驗釣魚的遊戲伺服器
- 遊戲經驗值倍率 : 10倍
- 組隊經驗值倍率 :3倍
- 遊戲技能值倍率 : 10倍
- 組隊技能值倍率 :3倍
- 倍率看起來並不是很高但提倡組隊加成
- 金錢掉落倍率 : 60倍
- 物品掉落倍率 : 5倍
- 隨機狩獵首領重生時間 : 40 ~ 120 分鐘
- 隨機大型首領重生時間 : 4 ~ 6 小時
- 紅人的逞罰 : 將是您意想不到的
- 武器安定值 : +15
- 防具安定值 : +15
- 飾品安定值 : +15
- 武器成功率 : 白武防96% 祝武防96%
- 防具成功率 : 白武防96% 祝武防96%
- 飾品成功率 : 白武防96% 祝武防96%
- 祝武防需靠推王或兌換釣魚取得
- 裝備強化全部均無上限
- 特別開放 100% 完美裝備強化系統
- 開放半跨職業 : 需要轉生後才可學其它職業技能
- 開放全區傳送 : 還有特例依玩家要求新增區域
- 開放精練功能 : 附加100%附增技能
- 開放加加大師 : 技能格數擴增至80格
- 輔助技能時間 : 20分鐘
- 菁英怪物系統 : 1 ~ 85等級隨機出現
- 奧林匹克兢賽 : 跨職業2人同職業3人即可入場
- 全區菁英怪物會掉落光彩紀念章
- 全區怪物會掉紀念章和紅心碎片
- 各式各樣的特製首領
- 特殊能力飾品開放
- 技能不開放自動學習
- 新手玩家可將初學者導覽選擇兌換金幣或是技能值
- 瘋狂天使自製的管理員讓您體驗稍微不一樣的遊戲系統
- 自製百貨管理員 : 甚麼都賣甚麼並不奇怪
- 自製道具管理員 : 可以兌換各式稀奇古怪的東西
- 自製輔助管理員 : 只需要少許金幣就能輕鬆擁有輔助效果
- 自製綜合管理員 : 使用功能非常廣泛
- 自製倉庫管理員 : 基本昌庫存放領取功能
- 自製傳送管理員 : 所有的地方都能傳
- 自製魚貨管理員 : 可以讓您學習釣魚技能並購買釣魚道具
- 自製裝備管理員 : 可以利用紅心碎片特殊道具兌換高等特殊裝備
- 自製推王管理員 : 全區狩獵首領自製特殊首領均可傳送
- 自製娛樂管理員 : 相關分類的娛樂賭博系統
- 自製訓練管理員 : 等級還在新手階段可以透過訓練管理員提升等級
- 每逢節慶必定開放活動
- 英雄技能特別強化
- 詛咒武器特別強化
- 增加大家打奧林匹克的興趣
- 提供暫時性英雄系統
- 提供自製全天堂II遊戲374首音樂試聽系統
- 提供名稱及稱號變換顏色系統
- 提供自製賓果遊戲系統
- 提供自製撲克遊戲系統
- 提供自製釣魚公會系統
- 提供最完整的葫蘆活動
- 提供獨家的打西瓜活動
- 提供自製變性系統
- 提供瞬間漂白系統
- 提供技能刪除系統
- 提供個人評價值購買系統
- 提供個人聲望購買系統
- 提供最完整的網站系統
- 自由傳送獨家開放到30格
- 暫時取消所有裝備等級限制

管理者名單 :

登入器下載 :


本帖最後由 smith0968 於 2013-9-6 23:29 編輯


Server Name: CrazyAngel
Server Region: Taiwan / Hsinchu
Server Domain: crazyangel.servegame.com (if used other logger, the domain into this line, you can not download logger)
Logger port port: 2106
Server port port: 7777
Server Home Page: http://crazyangel.servegame.com
Server Website: http://crazyangel.servegame.com/website/index.php (first player to register here)
Server Forum: http://crazyangel.servegame.com/phpBB3/index.php
Server line: HiNet Very-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line 100 / 20 Mega-Byte
Modem model: FTE6075-CAN
Server System: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64-Bit

Server QR code:
Please useing iPhone,iPad,Smart Phone,Tablet PC has supported QR scan, you can to open this QR code

Game description and explanation:
- Use the main program into the game GoD 3.0
- The main city located in Neverland
- Experience in the fishing game server Neverland
- The game experience value rate: 10 times
- Team experience value rate: 3 times
- Game Skill value ratio: 10 times
- The value of team skills rate: 3 times
- Not very high but the rate seems to promote team bonus
- Money drop rate: 60 times
- Item drop rate: 5 times
- Reborn leader of random hunting time: 40 ~ 120 minutes
- Random large head regeneration time: 2 ~ 4 hours
- Red Reveal punishment: will be your unexpected
- Weapons stable value: +15
- Armor and stability of value: +15
- Jewelry and stability of value: +15
- Weapons success rate: 94% of white anti-Zhu Wu Wu 98% anti-
- Armor success rate: 94% of white anti-Zhu Wu Wu 98% anti-
- Jewelry success rate: 94% of white anti-Zhu Wu Wu 98% anti-
- Zhu Wu Wang, or anti-conversion to be achieved by pushing
- All equipment, there was no limit to strengthen
- Special opening 100% perfect equipment to strengthen the system
- Open semi-cross career: the need for reincarnation before they can learn other vocational skills
- Open the region to send: There are special cases according to the player wants to create regional
- Open refined features: Additional 100% with increasing skill
- Open Gaga Master: skill increase to 80 the number of grid cells
- Supporting skills Time: 20 minutes
- Elite monster system: grade 1 to 85 randomly
- Jing Olympics Game: Cross-professional 2 to 3 people with professional admission
- The region will fall elite monster medal glory
- The region will be out medals and red monster debris
- Leader of a wide range of special
- Special ability to open jewelry
- Does not open automatically learn the skills
- Learn the skills needed law books
- Beginners guide novice players can choose to exchange the value of gold or skills
- Crazy Angel made the administrator allows you to experience a slightly different game systems
- Home department administrators: What are selling what is not surprising
- Homemade props manager: You can exchange all kinds of strange things
- Self-supporting administrators: only a few gold coins you can easily have a secondary effect
- General Manager Home: Using a wide range of functions
- Home Warehouse Manager: Inventory placed to receive the basic function of Chang
- Home delivery manager: able to pass all over the place
- Homemade fish manager: allows you to learn fishing skills and props to buy fishing
- Home Equipment Manager: red pieces can exchange higher special equipment, special props
- Push the king made the administrator: head hunting region can be made to send a special head
- Home Entertainment Manager: Related Categories Entertainment Gambling
- Home Training Manager: novice stage level can also enhance the level of training of administrators
- Must be open during festival activities
- The hero special skills enhancement
- Curse of weapons, particularly to strengthen
- Increased interest in the Olympics we play
- To provide temporary hero system
- Provide self-made paradise II Full Game 374 Music Lyrics System
- Provide the name and style change color system
- Provide self-made bingo game system
- Provide self-made poker game system
- Provide self-Fishing Association System
- Gourd activities provide the most complete
- Provide exclusive play watermelon activities
- Degeneration of the system to provide self-
- Provides instant bleaching
- Remove the system to provide skills
- To purchase the system for personal evaluation value
- To purchase the system for personal reputation
- Provide the most complete website system
- Open 30 exclusive free cell transfer
- All the equipment level restrictions suspended

List managers:

If there is no sign problem, the game has a solution to Forum, please refer to see

Go to Forum Return in question, in this article do not reply, thank you ^ ^


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